P.O. Box 100350
San Antonio, TX 78201 - 1650
Sales Hours: M-F 8:30am – 5:30pm. Closed Sat/Sun
Sales: 877-689-2117
Servicing & Payoffs Hours: M-F 8:00am – 6:00pm. Closed Sat/Sun
Servicing: 877-327-0161
Payoffs: 877-327-0161
Servicing Email: contactus@propelfs.com
Payoffs Email: payoff@propelfs.com
“Our taxes were paid quickly and easily. I almost didn’t believe it when they told me they could be paid in a few days.”
We offer loans for properties including rental homes, multi-family properties and commercial buildings
We can offer more options and benefits than anybody else through our quick and secure process.
Visit out FAQ for the most common questions, and contact us with any other needs.